+ 971 4 246 1600 (Dubai)
Story Board
Storyboard links teams together as they make one epic movie.
Create vibrant street carnival music with recycled trash instruments
Summit Challenge
A creative and active team building activity where teams attempt to summit a virtual mountain successfully.
Summit Challenge Online
An interactive, multiplayer scenario-based activity where teams attempt to summit a virtual mountain successfully.
Develop trust and respect for your team mates as you learn survival skills
Sync Or Swim
Design and perform a hilarious choreographed Synchronised Swimming performance.
T-Shirt Masterpiece
Create a team t-shirt graphically displaying a given topic or theme, then wear it!
Talent Scout
Put together a team with the right players matching talent with customer needs.
Team Investigation Remote
Delve into the high-level corruption and mysterious death of a famous football player.
Team Performance Challenges
Stimulate quick thinking, verbal communication, and competition in a fun and high energy way!
Team Torque
Complete challenges to gain car parts to build, decorate and air pump down the drag strip.
Team Wellbeing
A fun engaging team activity designed to assist in improving teams’ ability to adapt to frequent change to develop a human skills and to create a culture of continuous learning.
Team Wellbeing Online
Fun engaging team activity designed to assist in improving teams ability to adapt to frequent change and to create a culture of continuous learning.
Thai Traders
Gather information, network and build trust to maximise your returns.
The Big Picture Online
Collaboration, communication and creative thinking are applied in creating a collaborative work of art online.